Monday, October 5, 2009


Okay, so, School. I know, it's been a while since I have had time to get around to an update, but I'm going to try to get back into the habit (and get one of my friends back into the habit as well.) But I digress.

The thing I really want to talk about is Transy Nightly Prayer. So, last year we had a consistent group of four people, give or take a few every night. As of this year, we are down to two persistent contributors, which really is neither good nor bad. It is kind of sad though that we do find ourselves in the sames ruts more often than is healthy, which could be courted by a more diverse group of prayer warriors. However, good still continues to flow out of this ministry.

Personally, it has forced me to slow down and really think about what God has really done in my life, and continues to do every day. It truly is amazing. I find myself awestruck while walking across campus at the most informal times: seeing the clouds over Forrer Hall, watching Dr. Barnes to Tai-chi outside the Mitchell Fine Arts Center, listen to a group of kids my touch football in Gratz Park, anything, anywhere. I am forced to stop, to breathe, to realize that every moment is a gift from someone who loves me more than life itself, more than self-preservation, more than the sun and the stars that He taught how to shine, and He has lead me here for a reason. He has made sure that my eyes have been open to see all of these things and so much more. How amazing is that!

Really now, life is so often taken for granted, and I have done more than my fair share of complaining about how rough it can be, but you do not have to have a near death experience to realize how truly beautiful the world is. No, one of the simplest things to do is just close your eyes for a minute, spin around and forget what color looks like. Then open your eyes and really see, through prisms the size of unformed tears, look at the world, look at people, look at how they interact, and revel if just for a moment in the beauty of it all.